Pre-need Funeral Plans

Funeral of your needs

To prepare a funeral plan in advance to decide your payments for various kinds of funeral products and services so that you don't burden your family too much.
There are many good reasons to prepare a funeral in advance. The key advantage is that you (or the person you are helping to plan) get to make your own decisions about the type of funeral you want. Another big reason to plan ahead is that you can better control the funeral rate.

Pre-need Funeral Plan vs Pre-planning Funeral


means a type of arrangement where you pay in advance for funeral products and services, or long before death.

You conclude a legal agreement to fund the arrangements. You commit to a given funeral service and make monthly or quarterly payments over a set period of time to a third party such as a funeral insurance company.


means you decide what kind of death or burial you want, what type of service you want and what items you want. Planning yourself can be as easy or as thorough as you want.

You leave the instructions with your loved ones and, when the time comes, they take care of the details.

Pros & Cons of having a Funeral Plan


  • When you enter into a pre-need funeral or burial arrangements, suppliers can guarantee the availability of services and merchandise at current prices.

  • Give your loved ones peace of mind, in case your family do not know how to make final arrangements in the case.

  • It relieves the burden on your family of paying for the funeral. The period after a death is very stressful for everyone involved so having already taken care of the funeral expenses can make a big difference for your family.


  • Money paid today may not cover potential high funeral costs, leading to a possible replacement of less costly goods or additional survivor funding.
  • Pre-need plan covers only the funeral costs – it does not cover any of the other death-related expenses, such as debt repayment. Besides a pre-needed death fund, you may also need to take out a life insurance policy.
  • Funeral arrangements may include money you have saved for other emergency purposes.

A must-have for a Pre-need Funeral Contract:

The funeral homes offer pre-need funeral plans instead of insurance companies. The specific funeral home you want to plan your funeral arrangements will work directly with you. They’ll calculate for you the exact cost, which you’ll then pay off before your death.

You should study the providers that are listed in the agreement before agreeing to a pre-needed contract. Among the questions you should ask are:

  • Have they been in business for long?
  • Do they have good financial perspective?
  • Will they have a reputation for being good?
  • How likely is it that when you need them they will still be in business?
  • When you ultimately decide not to use them, is the prepayment refundable?

What to consider before purchasing a Pre-need Funeral Plan?

When looking for a pre-need funeral plan it is very important to ask around. Funeral expenses can vary depending on which funeral home you are going to, so you should check rates at all funeral homes in your area to see what the best deal is offering.

Also, before taking out your funeral insurance plan, it is important to research the funeral home itself. Make sure the home funeral is a reliable one with a history of good reputation. You should also choose a funeral home that is convenient for your loved ones, as they are the ones that will perform the funeral when it actually happens.

It is also important to note that pre-need funeral plans might not be for all. They are best for people who have already paid off all their debts, such as mortgages and student loans, and don’t worry about providing their loved ones with financial support after they pass.

For those who are more concerned with convenience than price, they are also a good option. Beyond what a pre-need funeral insurance plan might provide, consider taking out a conventional life insurance policy instead if you need extra financial compensation for your death.